"Take with a grain of salt, most can be spoofed or overridden."Remote IP Address:
Server: shedeck.com
User Agent: CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)
Platform: Unknown
Browser: Unknown
Remote Port: 59398
Window Width:
Window Height:
Referer: None
Request Time (formatted): Saturday, September 7, 2024 6:44pm
Request Method: GET
Request URI: /
Query String:
HTTP Accept Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Attended High School in Iowa. Graduated and moved onto college at Iowa State
Graduated from College and moved into Industrial Maintenance and Technology, basically a combination of the Maintenance department and IT with a focus on Electrial, PLC, and CMMS.
Continued taking classes at NIACC, eventually moving back to Cedar Rapids for a job in Production Support, focusing on Systems Administration and Integration.
Now employed as a Manufacturing Engineer, working with multiple industrial systems, applications and servers, working to interface and improve processes.